Release of a new Online Retrieval System (ORS) , ChemPanda®

ChemPanda® has registered a variety of reagents and bulk products o electronic materials, agrochemical materials, cosmetic materials, materials for coating, ink and adhesives, natural substances, functional materials, polymer materials, intermediates for pharmaceuticals, drug substances (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) library substances, etc., from nearly 350 global suppliers, which can be retrieved freely and extensively.
ChemPanda® has registered in-stock and custom synthesized reagents from global suppliers, which can be searched in response to the customer’s need.
ChemPanda® has covered diversified bulk materials developed by local companied in China.
ChemPanda® has provided Key-word Retrieval and List Retrieval as well as Chemical Structure Retrieval. SD File including the data of substances can be downloaded for use.
ChemPanda®; has provided the services to issue the several requests of quotations and orders at one time according to the search results.

Quick Response and
Extensive Assistance

ATTO are characterized by direct communication with overseas manufacturers using various language such as Japanese, Chinese and English and also through understanding of their cultures.
The close communication can promptly offer customers high-quality products at more competitive prices to meet the customer’s needs. Local staffs in China with a good command of Japanese and specialized in chemistry would, in intimate corporation with specialists in organic synthesis in Japan, often pay visits to manufacturers at custom manufacturing, follow up progress and provide latest information and reports with customers.
Support in Various Languages

ATTO are capable of responding with various languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and English, which enables to communicate with overseas manufacturers directly and to support customers more promptly and smoothly.
The staffs in the local office in China with a good command of Japanese and English specialized in chemistry are available, while, in Japan, the staffs with extensive communication skills with English such as specialists in organic synthesis, adviser on domestic regulations of Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances or anything and marketing staff fluent in various language are available. All staffs get together and work flexibly and systematically for customers in a best way.

Consulting Services Supported
by a Great Deal of Expertise

ATTO is able to introduce consulting business in current competitive economy: a proposal for higher quality and more cost-effective intermediates, drug substances (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), law chemical materials, etc. by utilizing the companies in foreign countries like China.
Specialists in organic synthesis, marketing, regulations, etc. backed up with extensive expertise in ATTO are ready for customers planning the trade deal with Chinese companies to be able to realize a reliable business by providing quick response and extensive assistance.